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- Content Curation - Building a $100k/Month Brand for Beginners
Content Curation - Building a $100k/Month Brand for Beginners
Level Up Your Life and Brand with the power of content curation
20,000 followers in one week. Curating has allowed me to unlock the cheat code for being successful in life and in my business.
Content curation is how I am able to CONSISTENTLY come up with winning videos.
I’ve had over 1,000 videos hit over 500,000 + views.

I also do the same for my clients.
My business relies on the fact that I can come up with high-quality video ideas. My team and I produce over 300 pieces of content a month. Each piece we put out needs to perform.
Content curation is the reason I am able to perform so well in my life, and on social media.
I will share what exactly I mean by "Content Curation" and how you can use this to build a brand that makes $100,000 a month from social media.
To understand what I am talking about and how you can apply this, we must start with the current state of social media and the psychology of sharing information.
The Content Curation Era
Today there are over 2.5 quintillion bytes of data produced every day. Not sure how many zero's that is, but it's A LOT.
There is too much information readily available.
The best info entertainment YouTube channels are compressing 10 hours of information into 10 minutes for a YouTube video, only giving you the most impactful and useful information.
People are now looking to single sources that can provide the best entertainment on information they should know.
That's why Business YouTubers do so well.
“The economy has shifted. Historically, billionaires amass wealth by controlling the worlds scarcest resources. The last century, it was oil. Today, it’s attention. The next billionaires will be the people who can effectively “pump” and “drill” the attention of the masses.”
This quote from Alex Hormozi is exactly where our economy is heading. Capturing someone’s attention is how brands will succeed.
Where do you capture attention?
- Emerging platforms on social media.
How do you capture attention?
- Offering learning that feels like a video game.
How do I come up with the right information? The right video idea? The right look for the video? The right hook? The right scripting?
- You have to be able to identify the most engaging topics, stories, visuals, and trends that are going on in the market you are trying to capture.
This all leads back to curating the right content.
But to grasp the power of content curation. You must first understand why it's important for yourself.
Content Curation for personal
8 months into my business, I felt stuck. Doing the same thing every day. No new clients were coming in. I was working in the business, not on the business.
This was going on for roughly about 3 months. Then I realized it was because I was consuming the same information every day.
I had no new innovating ideas to help propel the business I was building.
I took a look at what I was consuming on a daily basis. It was just stupid social media videos that gave me quick dopamine hits.
Nothing new or positive was coming in. So how could I have a new positive unique idea?
I always thought these successful business owners and creators online came up with great ideas out of thin air. Somehow they magical thought of a winning video.
But I realized that’s not how things work.

Everyone gets ideas from somewhere else. Then they layer their own unique perspective on top.
Being able to push out all the bad information/content flying out there like.
Cheap dopamine social media videos
Phone calls
Replacing these things with better quality content. Will give you better-quality ideas.
Most successful people in life gather the most useful information they can find. Then implement it into their lives. Whether it's a topic idea for a video or a better operating system to implement in their business.
They might read a book, choose certain valuable information in that book and apply it to their life. Funneling or blocking out the un-useful information they learned from the book.
High-quality information leads to:
High-quality ideas
High-quality actions
If I watch Marvel movies for 24 hours straight. The next day my mind is going to be full of thoughts about the movies and not much else.
If I watch self-improvement videos for 24 hours straight. The next day I am going to have thoughts about how can I install the information I learned into my life.
If you are able to curate the right content for your brain and block all the bad content out there. You will have better performance in your life.
To come up with good ideas for your business, marketing, and videos you make online. It all starts with viewing the right information so you are inspired to share that with your audience.
Now how can you apply this same concept to your business and marketing?
Content Curation for Building an online community worth $100,000/month.
Like I've said before, my business relies on the fact that I can CONSISTENTLY come up with high-performing videos.
So I need to be looking at the right information to develop the right ideas for the kind of content I should create.

A big shift in online content is happening...
Going back to how we are now entering the curation era.
People are looking for the best source of content that aligns with their values and ideas.
But we are sometimes lazy.
We want to be presented with the information in a cool video that keeps our dopamine firing off.
As we established before, everyone is fighting for attention. Newsletters are harder to grab someone’s attention for the first time than a video.
So a natural source of where people are getting information about certain topics is social media.
As a creator or a brand, you need to become the aggregator of information for your viewers.
In doing so, you will be an authoritative figure that they can trust.
That's where your content comes in.
You are the funnel.
Receiving & collecting all information within your niche. Then pumping out the most valuable, entertaining, engaging, information on the other end.
I'll explain this as a b2b Fin Tech (Finance Tech) company trying to market their product on social media.
The best way to provide value and grow a community of people on social media. Is to share insightful information within your niche.
So, say I find a news article about how "Elon Musk lost his entire net worth" and I notice it's gaining attraction.
Well, that's a perfect thing to share with my audience.
But it goes even deeper.
Now I find a finance creator that I follow on Twitter who has great insight on how to avoid losing all your money. It's also receiving more engagement on it than usual.
The video would be “How Elon Musk could have avoided losing 80% of his net worth”.
I curated the "Right Topic" and a "valuable insight" that pairs nicely with the topic.
Both were proven to stir up engagement.
Now I combine them into one video.
What I did was curated the right topic and valuable information in the finance niche, then shared it with your audience.
You curated the right information. Blocked out all the unnecessary things and combined the best of everything into one.

One of the biggest accounts that does millions of dollars in sales creates content about stoicism.
@DailyStoic literally reads books from ancient philosophers, stoics, and psychologists.
Then he creates videos like "3 stoic insights from Marcus Aurelius that will help you stop caring what people think". Then adds his own unique thoughts on the end of the video.
What he did was read a book by Marcus Aurelius and resight the most engaging information from that book to his audience.
He built a brand worth millions. All backed by curating the best stoic content for his viewers.
Why does this work?
In the attention economy, people would rather have the best insights fed to them quickly. Rather than taking hours upon hours to read the entire book to find the best insights.
This is the power of content curation!
Content Curation Ecosystem Personal Steps
Here are actionable steps you can take for yourself and for your brand.
I am a big believer you need to do this for yourself before you apply it to something bigger.
You need to have high-quality ideas that can translate over to high-quality actions you should be doing for your brand.
1) Stop consuming any cheap dopamine source out there
This can be but not limited to:
TV shows
Non-value-providing social media accounts
Negative people
2) Start following the proper accounts
Have a few people you like to watch and provide valuable information.
These people can be seen as your online mentors
3) Read the right books
If you're into business read business books
If you are into psychology, read psychology books
4 )Find insightful newsletters - Like this one :)
5) Have a database to write down good ideas
I recommend using Notion or even your Apple Notes app.
I prefer Notion because I can keep things more organized
*Here's a tip. Usually, the longer the format something is. The more in-depth it will be. Which will allow you to have more depth in your thoughts.
Organic Online Marketing Steps
1) Follow anyone who has great insights in your niche.
Follow more long-form content
Newsletters & Articles
This will spark creativity for short-form content.
2) Follow industry leaders
3) Follow people within your broader niche
If you are trying to sell pots and pans, follow chefs, or even food reviewers on YouTube.
Follow marking leaders you like.
Follow branding leaders you like.
Follow design leaders you like.
Follow anyone you like that creates cool valuable content.
4) Finally you need a place to help you curate the things your viewing.
Viewing the right content is important. But pulling the right information and having a place to save it, is just as equally important.
I use Notion to collect:
videos I like
Newsletters I like
Sections from books
Any bit of information that inspires me or resonates with me in some way. Gets written down in Notion. I can later refer back to it when I am creating something.
There you have it. This is how content curation can transform your life and your online organic marketing.
My Offers
If your budget is around $2000 - $5000 you can submit an application to work with me and my team on a monthly basis.